December 7, 2009Jesse Tree – Day 4, 5, 6 & 7

Author: Josée Bergeron

The only things Monkey likes about the Jesse Tree is the part where we hang up the ornament. We do our Jesse Tree in the evening as a family so Monkey is usually tired and has a nonexistent attention span. At first we tried to get him involved but not anymore. Instead we spend this time with Angel, our Korean student, teaching her about the Bible and the meaning of Advent and Christmas. Here are our ornaments and readings for the last four days:

Day 4: The Call to Abram

We read from A Family Treasury of Bible Stories and then from our Jesse Tree devotion book.

Genesis 12: 1-7
Day 5: Isaac and the Lamb
We read from A Family Treasury of Bible Stories and then from our Jesse Tree devotion book.

Genesis 22: 1-13
Day 6: Jacob’s Ladder
We read from A Family Treasury of Bible Stories and then from our Jesse Tree devotion book.
Genesis 28: 10-17
Day 7: Joseph’s Coat of Many Colours
Tonight we will read Usborne’s Joseph and His Amazing Coat and reflect on the story with our Advent Jesse Tree devotion book.
Genesis 37:3-36, 50:18-21


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