November 2, 2012All Souls Day

Author: Josée Bergeron

Today is All Souls Day. A special day for us to remember those departed before us.

For All Souls Day we made “sole” imprints (I’m a sucker for bad puns) and talked a little about death. I mentioned to my children that today we remember all those that have died. Monkey seemed a little worried and told me he did not want to die. I reassured him that his soul would live forever. Then, in turn, he reassured me that as long as he ate everyday he would live forever. I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. If only life were so simply… and yet how many people die of starvation every day.

There have been several deaths in the past few years that have pierced my heart. My grandfather, my husband’s grandmother and just over two years ago I experienced the loss of a special friend Rachael. Death. I’m not comfortable with death. It seems so unnatural even though it is a very natural part of life’s cycle.


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  1. Amy Caroline

    Oh! I love it! Wish I had found your blog earlier!


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