December 12, 2012Aromatherapy Rice Pack Tutorial

Author: Josée Bergeron

Right before Teddy was born a friend gave me an aromatherapy rice pack. It got plenty of use the first few month after childbirth. In fact, I’m not sure how I managed without it after my first two births. I heated the pack in the microwave and used it for postpartum afterpains, mastitis (which I had three times!), and neck and shoulder tension from holding and breastfeeding baby.

Making an aromatherpy rice pack is an easy sewing project. It’s a nice gift for women and men of all ages. It’s especially appreciated by women who are pregnant, just had a baby or have painful menstrual cramps. You can select which herbs and essential oils to add to the rice pack or you can leave them out all together. Use this tutorial as a guideline for your own aromatherpy rice packs.

For one aromatherpy rice pack.

100% cotton fabric (two – 6″ × 24″ pieces)
flannel (two – 6″ × 26.5″ pieces)
velcro (one – 1″ × 4″ piece)
matching thread

3 cups rice
a mixture of dry herbs or spices
essential oils

Note: For a soothing rice pack add a mixture of dried chamomile, mint and lavender and 10-20 drops of peppermint and lavender essential oils

Let’s Begin

Cut out the fabric and velcro.

Cut two (2) 6″ × 24″ pieces of 100% cotton fabric. This material will hold the rice and herbs. Since you will be sewing a cover for the pack go ahead and reuse an old plaid shirt or some ugly fabric that you won’t use for any other project.

Cut two (2) pieces of 6″ × 26.5″ of flannel. This will be the cover for the rice pack.

Cut one 4″ piece of 1″ wide velcro.

With right sides together sew, using a 1/4″ seem allowance, three sides of the cotton fabric together (two short sides and one long side) leaving one long side open.

Trim the two corners with scissors.

Fold 1/4″ of the open edge towards the wrong side of the fabric and press with an iron. Turn the bag right sides out and press.

Using a chalk pencil or a marking tool divide the bag into six equal segments. If you mark the first line at 3.5″ and the second, third, fourth and fifth at 4″ which makes the last end up as 3.5″.

Sew along the lines. This will create six pouches.

Mix three (3) cups of rice with an assortment of herbs and add 10-20 drops of essential oils. You can try the combination of chamomile, mint and lavender which helps reduce stress or try a combination of your own.

With a funnel or small measuring cup pour 1/2 cup of the rice mixture in each pouch. Divide any remaining rice among the six pouches.

Pin the top of the pouches closed and carefully sew along the end. The rice pack is done. Now for the cover.

Place the flannel pieces with the wrong sides facing up. You will start by making the hem of the bag. Press one short edge down 1/2″ and then fold over again to make a 1″ hem. Repeat with the second piece of flannel.

Centre the piece of velcro on the hem and sew in place. Repeat with second piece of flannel.

Place the right sides of the flannel together and sew, using a 1/4″ seem allowance, along the three sides leaving the top piece, where the velcro was sewn, open. Clip corners and any stray threads. Pull right sides out and press.

Slip the rice pack into the cover, close the velcro and you’re done. I hope that the directions make sense. If not let me know.

There are three rice packs in this pile.

To Use

Fold the pack in half and place in microwave for one minute. Flip it over and microwave for one more minute. Place onto area of discomfort. If the pack is too hot you can let it cool for a couple minutes or wrap it in a towel.

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  1. Kim Corrigan-Oliver

    Thanks for the great tutorial! I have thought about making these, but we don't have a microwave…not sure if we could heat up in the oven?

  2. Josée

    That's a good question. I don't see why you couldn't warm in up in an oven. Just as long as the temperature isn't too high and the material isn't close to the burners. I wouldn't recommend broiling it 😉

  3. Chelsea Rae

    Neat! I'm getting one for Christmas right? 😉

    My kids have bears full of wheat. I a couple bags like your rice bags filled with wheat as well, but Mary 'wanted to see what was inside' and operated on them. They didn't make it.

  4. Josée

    Oh no! Maybe she'll be a surgeon 😉

  5. hasan

    This is really nice post. Thanks


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