December 22, 2012Winter Solstice

Author: Josée Bergeron

We brought in our Christmas tree on the shortest day of the year. It is standing in the living room emanating a pleasant scent of fir. Tomorrow it will be dressed in lights and ribbons and it will shine and twinkle. It seems right to be bringing in this symbol of light on the longest night of the year. As we are overwhelmed by the darkness of winter solstice and I dwell on the struggles, pain and sadness afflicting people around the world, there is hope. Soon we will celebrate the birth of the one who came to bring His divine light into the world. Soon the days will get longer and lighter reminding us that His light continues to shine on all of us.


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1 Comment

  1. Amy Caroline

    I was sad that we have little ones who are sick so we missed out on celebrating the solstice. I love the idea of bringing in the tree on the day of the solstice too. Wonder if I would be patient enough?


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