January 23, 2013Sourdough Bread Recipe: More Feeding (Day 2)

Author: Josée Bergeron

Part 1: Sourdough Bread Recipe: First Feeding (Day 1)
Part 3: Making Sourdough Bread: Baking Bread (Day 3)

On the second day of making sourdough bread you will continue to feed and build up the starter. This recipe will make three loaves but if you want more than three loaves you can do that by tripling the starter at the second and third feedings.

Second Feeding

In the morning take the lid off the large tub of sourdough starter that sat in a warm place the night before. The starter should have grown in size and will smell a little like alcohol, this is from the formation of acetic and lactic acids.

Double the amount of starter by adding 100g flour (~7/8 cup) and 100g water (~2/3 cup). If you want more than three loaves you can triple the amount of starter by adding 200g flour and 200g water.

Mix together and cover the starter. Place it in a warm location until the evening (8 to 12 hours).

Before adding each ingredient I zero the scale. Note that I aim for 100g +/- 5 grams.

Third Feeding

In the evening your starter should have doubled in size. Double the amount of starter once again. You should have about 400g of starter. Add 200g flour and 200g water to the starter. If you tripled the starter during the second feeding you could double it this time or triple it again, depending on how much bread you want. 

Mix together and cover the starter. Place it in a warm location until the next morning (8 to 12 hours).


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1 Comment

  1. Dr. MacHin, DVM

    There is also actual alcohol production in the fermentation too


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