
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
Yesterday I showed you the project that I had been working on the last couple months, thank you for all the kind complements. My husband has also been working on a project too.
Last month we maxed out our Earth Machine compost bin. In my efforts to unfreeze the pile, so that I could stuff more banana peels into it, I poured some hot water into the bin. It didn’t help and now I have big mound of smelly half-frozen decomposing food. Until last week I was throwing away my compost scraps in the trash bin. This made me feel sad, but then my husband came to the rescue and built me a three bin compost system. He used this plan as an inspiration but made a some changes along the way. We now have plenty of space for composting, thank you awesome husband!
My new compost and I are getting acquainted and I’m dutiful filling it with layers of fruit and vegetable scraps, leaves, and rabbit manure. I dream of the beautiful compost that will fill my garden beds, which is my husband’s next project.
As I dream about gardening and enjoy the sunshine outside I tackled, literally, the overgrown lilac bushes. I won, but not unscathed. Now that the weather is warming up we are spending more time outside. When it’s overcast most days in the winter it’s impossible to stay inside while the sun shines. While I still have one more quilt, a sweater and a book to finish before Easter, I’m sure there will still be plenty of chilly overcast days in the weeks to come for sitting by the fire with a book and Teddy’s sweater.
Linking up to Yarn Along and Barn Hop.
Your compost bins are lovely…can you call compost bins lovely??? 🙂 Nice work!
oh yes, love that bin! Our bin is literally overflowing, there's no where else to put the compost but on the ground next to the bin…pretty messy as you can imagine!
Nice! I love it! It is so nice looking.
oh wow those are awesome, the bins are so nice, but your babies are absolutly adorable!
Like you I'm dreaming of spring. I've always kinda struggled with the "separate the compost" thing. If you're continually adding compost, how does it get the chance to finally age & become usable compost? I am currently emptying my compost tumbler into a very large tub and allowing the final phase to happen that way in preparation of being placed in the garden. Your version looks much nicer and it seems would be much more systematic! Thanks for sharing. (visiting from Homestead Barn Hop)
~Taylor-Made Ranch~
Wolfe City, Texas
Yes, I think you can call compost bins lovely 🙂 Thanks Kim!
Thanks Elisa!
Thanks for stopping by. I think the three bin compost will work much better for finishing compost. I was struggling with the same thing with our single bin compost… I guess the alternative would be to have two or three bins so that you could rotate filling them.
Do you have the link to the plan he used?