
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
Last month our days were slow and steady. It was a good pace for us. We had time for reading and relaxing. This month is turning out to be quite the opposite, so far it is much more intense. There has been some unexpected news this month. Some that everyone knows about and other tidbits that are of a more personal nature (no, I am not pregnant). There are also some exciting plans in the works.
In the midst of all this my children seem to be going through a period of intense skill acquisition. The baby is moving, standing and getting into everything and my daughter is miss independent. My eldest has discovered a new found interest in writing, spelling, colouring and completing his own personal hygiene. Huzzah!
With February unfolding the way it has been I am constantly reminding myself to slow down. That it is alright, and healthy, not to do everything. I want to continue enjoying moments of discovery with my children and not to be concerned with piles of unfolded laundry on my couches or muddy footprints on the floor.
ps. Julie is hosting a giveaway on her blog Confessions of a Crunchy Mama.
pps. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Love your hearts.
You have my attention, can't wait to hear about the exciting plans! I love your recent crafty posts, makes me want to do that with mine too. Thanks for the inspiration! (I'll have to get some glitter 🙂 )