March 24, 2013Saturday Garden Journal (vol.1)

Author: Josée Bergeron

The seeds are germinating! One week after planting the seeds into little paper pots most of the tomatoes, basil and zucchini have germinated. About half the peppers are sprouting and only one rhubarb seed. I should have waited to plant the zucchini until April, they have gotten so big so fast. The plants on the edge of the trays are not germinating as quickly, probably because it’s cooler on the sides. I am a little worried about the mould I see around the bottom of some of the little paper pots. Is this normal? Now that the plastic dome covers are removed I’m hoping the mould will stop growing. To see how I started my seeds read Starting Seeds Indoors.

We started digging out the sod for the raised garden beds out back. It’s a lot of work and we’re happy to have friends willing to help. Hopefully we’ll have the sod fully removed tomorrow and then we can start building the raised garden beds. The gardens (four of them) will be sixteen feet long and four feet wide. They look so small to me and I’m wondering if we’ve picked a good size. There is so much to learn.


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1 Comment

  1. Kim Corrigan-Oliver

    How lovely to be digging in the ground, we are are still covered in snow 🙁


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