April 12, 2013Boogie Monster Quilt

Author: Josée Bergeron

I started this quilt before Teddy was born, a year and a half ago, and finally finished it after Easter. I bought the Boogie Monster fabric up North and didn’t get enough so I had to be creative with large borders to make the quilt big enough. There was a lot of experimentation and mistakes along the way but I’m satisfied with the end result. The quilt is a disappearing nine patch and the second quilt that I free motion quilted. I was feeling more comfortable quilting it but I came across some issues with tension. The back stitches were loose in some spots. Any suggestions for preventing this?

All this effort only to discover that my son does not like the quilt. I was tempted to give him a stern lecture about gratitude but then I recalled that I purchased the fabric for a three-and-a-half year old, not a five year old who’s obsessed with action figures and frogs. So it looks like Teddy (the baby) will be getting this quilt and my eldest will have to choose some different fabric for a quilt of his own… and hopefully it won’t take me a year and a half to finish it.

And I have some more questions for you experienced quilters and sewers. A dear friend gave me this quilt. It is an old quilt made from scraps of various materials with beautiful feather stitching on top. The quilt is falling apart around the edges. I’m not sure how I should go about repairing it or if I should leave it be. Any thoughts?

Linking up to FMQ Friday.


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  1. Barb

    Great finish, Josee! I love your borders…sometimes the best things come from a little bit of improvization.

    I also love the vintage crazy quilt. Sorry, I don't have any advice, other than enjoy it.

  2. Susan

    I think the boogie monster is super cute. I like the super wide borders and would have not known they were a comprise if you had not told us! Sadly, I dont know how to repair quilts, but think it is a great find none the less.

  3. Elisa

    Beautiful! I think I recognize some of that fabric, no? I special smelling gift arrived the other day. =)

  4. Leah Day

    Ah, I can totally relate to making a quilt for my son, which at first he hated. Just wait until you tell your older son his quilt is now for his baby brother. His tune will change pretty quick!

    On the older quilt – how sentimental are you about this? Do you want to use it or do you want to put it up in a closet and feel like it's "off limits"? If you're not sentimental and you do want to use it, applique new blocks right over the old and free motion stitch over the entire thing. It might even be a good idea to baste it again with a new backing fabric as the original is probably not as stable as it could be.

    Basically with repair – anything goes – add fabric to patch holes, add enough thread to hold this sucker together for another 20 years of hard use. If you feel squemish about this idea or your friend will get pissed, might want to give it back.

  5. Kim Corrigan-Oliver

    Wow, it is lovely. One day I want to make a quilt…one day 🙂

  6. Josée

    Thanks Barb! I have to admit doing the piano keys border was quite fun… it's probably one of my favourite parts of the quilt.

  7. Josée

    Thanks Susan!

  8. Josée

    Yep! You're right Elisa it's fabric from this quilt.

  9. Josée

    Thanks Leah! I appreciate the tips. I think I'm going to go ahead and repair it so that we can enjoy it.

  10. Josée

    Thanks Kim. One day you will, when the time is right.

  11. Lisa G.

    Oh wow it is so awesome!!!! I have never attempted quilting but it is on my list. For now, I have no space to sew so it gets put on the back-burner. Do you have a dedicated crafting space? Where? And, more importantly, how do you do it with kids??

  12. Linda

    Your monster quilt is beautiful!!! And, what Leah said. 🙂


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