
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
The tomatoes and peppers have been transplanted into four inch pots and seem much happier. We finished building and installing the raised garden beds. It has taken us a lot of time and effort to get to this point but I am enjoying the process. We filled one bed with topsoil and there are three left to fill. The weather is still cool but I did plant some potatoes and peas today. I’ll have to wait a little longer before planting anything else.
With the cooler weather and rain I have been enjoying some occasional time inside reading and working on my knitting project. To be honest, my knitting is becoming less and less frequent and this is normal for me at this time of year. Even my reading is focused on gardening and outdoor activities. However, I did recently receive Terrapin from my library and I hope to find time to read this mystery-thriller in the next few weeks.
Linking to Yarn Along.
Pretty colours you are knitting there.
Enjoy being in the garden when the weather is nice.
Your raised beds look great!
Your knitting looks good, great idea to knit cozy's! I LOVE your raised beds, they look awesome and I hope you'll have a very successful gardening year.
pining for good enough weather to think about planting. I have want of adding another small raised bed or two, but haven't decided where to go with them, so I ponder. Too early to plant much here. But knitting – that is perfect timing right now…
Those raised beds are gorgeous!! I think I will pin them. =)