April 24, 2013Road Trip and Nose Job

Author: Josée Bergeron

Our family went on a road trip to the west coast for my first 10km race, the Vancouver Sun Run. It was a fun race, and I finished it in 1:01.16. I don’t have any pictures of the race. It’s difficult to take pictures of yourself while running and my husband stayed behind with our children. My niece did the mini sun run and I have a couple pictures of us together afterwards but I’m always a little wary about posting pictures of other people on my blog without their permission. So, you’ll just have to imagine how awesome I looked after running my race… sweaty, red and happy.

And just after returning home my husband’s parents arrived. They will be staying with us for almost two weeks. Their visit was planned to coincide with my surgery. Don’t worry it’s nothing serious. I’m getting a nose job. Just kidding. I’m getting a nasal septal reconstruction to correct a deviated septum. Sounds fun doesn’t it? As much as I am nervous about having the surgery done, I am hopeful that it will resolve my chronic sinusitis. And so this blog might be quiet for the next week, or maybe not. Depends on how I feel after the surgery.


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  1. Jane

    Hoping the surgery goes really well! Being able to complete a 10km race sounds like an amazing feat to me – congrats on the finish of it!!

  2. Cristina

    Praying for you during your surgery! Sorry we missed you on the weekend.

  3. John Tzamarias

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