May 6, 2013Garden Journal (vol. 4)

Author: Josée Bergeron

It’s the beginning of May and we are experiencing the fullness of spring. It feels more like summer with temperatures reaching close to 30C (86F) during the day. I have been meandering around my yard in Thai fishermen pants and bare feet willing my recently planted seeds to pushed through the soil. Over the weekend I planted carrots, parsnips, lettuce, kale, swiss chard, radishes, beans and some raspberries. Three of the four beds are filled leaving one for the tomatoes and peppers which I’ve been hardening off the last few days. Soon everything will be planted.

Planting my own seeds and watching them grow is a magical experience. The mystery of new life and the goodness that it brings simply amazes me. It might seem silly but in some way I have connected with the seeds that I’ve planted. I find joy in their tender shoots and sadness when they don’t grow. I’ve noticed that this connection comes easily to my children. They rejoice at the sight of a new bud and rush to give water to wilting stalk. I think that simplicity and attentiveness allows a child to be more aware of these special connections, something that we adults should strive to rediscover.

Joining the Barn Hop.


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