May 10, 2013Seven Quick Takes Friday

Author: Josée Bergeron
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March Against Monsanto is happening worldwide on May 25th. There wasn’t a march happening here so after some encouragement I started a Facebook event page. I didn’t know what to expect since I’m fairly new to the area, don’t have extensive local connections and have never organized anything like this before. Thankfully someone with passion and lots of experience has jumped on board. While the whole experience has been somewhat challenging, I am excited that there will be a MAM in our area.

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I’m learning to be comfortable with confrontation. The ability to move through confrontation in a healthy manner is an important skill. So often we shirk from confrontation fearing that we’ll be less liked, but if confrontation is done in such a way that the dignity and respect of all parties involved is upheld then it can be a very good thing. Being a peacemaker at heart I find confrontation difficult but as my view of confrontation shifts I am finding it easier to do.

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Be the change you wish to see in your children. I received this bumper sticker from a fellow blogger from Australia. She is a nomadic mama with four lovely girls. I finally put the sticker on my car. Or more precisely, I put the sticker on a magnetic sheet which I put on my car. This way I can move the sticker around at my whim and take it off when I wash the car… which happens once a year.

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“The Holy Spirit helps us to view others with fresh eyes, seeing them always as brothers and sisters in Jesus, to be respected and loved.” We are so quick to judge each other. I think Pope Francis (twitter’s @Pontifex) reminds us in today’s tweet that we must move away from being self-absorbed and truly see others the way Jesus sees them. In light of the last few days I felt like he was speaking to me.

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On a lighter note I am making this cake for myself this weekend. I figure since it’s my birthday  I get to choose (and make) the cake.

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I love the smell of clothes hung to dry outside. With the nice weather and my new laundry line I almost look forward to tackling the laundry.

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To all mothers, both physical and spiritual, I wish you a happy mother’s day and hope that on this weekend you will feel blessed.

Linking up to Seven Quick Takes.


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  1. Barb

    Happy Birthday, Josee! Can't wait to read about your March against Monsanto. Way to organize!

  2. cindyswobblog

    By the way, I can't believe Sweetpea can fold! That's impressive 🙂


  3. Jeremie

    Was "on a lighter note" supposed to be a pun? (A light and tender layer cake with the flavor of coconut through and through) 😀


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