
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
We have spent a week visiting my parents and enjoying their lovely home. Yesterday I felt like it was time to leave, so we packed our bags and said our goodbyes. Now we are at my in-laws home where we can enjoy the lake and countless hours of digging in the sand. There are some quaint little spots surrounding their home and occasionally, when there is a moment, I sneak away and surrender to stillness. Being still is not something that comes easily to me but the benefits are so great that I am trying to make an effort to do it more often. What are your thoughts on being still?
Everyone needs try to stop and enjoy being still at least once a week its so relaxing. I try do it once a day. When I still lived at home I'd either go sit by the river or drive out to the family farm and find a spot in the field and just breath. It was so lovely and I miss it some days. Now where I'm currently living I'm still searching for the perfect place so until then I just go dig in my garden.
That first picture of the little guy is my new desktop 🙂 Was he eating dirt by chance?