January 2, 2014A New Year and a New Word

Author: Josée Bergeron


We did not usher in the new year with much fanfare. The fact that we are still recovering from being unwell meant that most of us were already in bed sleeping when the new year began. Truthfully, I was happy to get a good night sleep after a rough week of nightly wakings to treat fevers and raspy breathing. I will admit that it wasn’t the way I had imagined the end of the year to unfold and I would be lying if I didn’t say it made me feel a little sad that we were so unwell during our family gathering. Yet, I am grateful that we gathered. Despite being sick there was still joy and laughter, followed by a symphony of hacking coughs. There was a constant supply of tea and usually a movie or two to get us through the day. Now we are finally on the mend, and everyone but my brother left this morning.

The new year has begun. When I think back on the last year, I feel so blessed. Yes there were struggles, times of suffering, sadness and stress but I cannot ignore the many joys and blessings that we, as a family, were given. And so while reflecting on our experiences I am grateful, and I look forward to what this new year will bring.

For the last few years I have chosen a word to remind myself to live life in a special way. My words for the last three years have been cherish (2011), embrace (2012) and patience (2013). This year no word was immediately forthcoming, but after some thought and looking at a few words on an online thesaurus I discovered a word. My word for 2014 is delight. I almost feel guilty picking a word like delight and perhaps that is a reason in itself to choose it. This year I want to find delight in small and big things, the wonderful and even the difficult. I want to step back, scale back and remind myself to discover or rediscover delight.


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  1. Kim Corrigan-Oliver

    We had a pretty low key New Year's Eve as well, and it was perfect! Glad everyone is feeling better.

    Great word! Mine for 2014 is play!

  2. Josée

    Thanks Kim! I really like your word and it was actually one of the things that inspiration me for my word this year.

  3. Angela

    I do this too! – how beautiful to choose 'delight'- I turned over joy, and grace, but in the end chose economy, I think it's funny how we imagine that those 'fun' types of words aren't as serious- when really they can be very profound- and even, paradoxically, hard work to implement. Happy new year!

  4. Angela

    I do this too! – how beautiful to choose 'delight'- I turned over joy, and grace, but in the end chose economy, I think it's funny how we imagine that those 'fun' types of words aren't as serious- when really they can be very profound- and even, paradoxically, hard work to implement. Happy new year!

  5. Josée

    Economy, that's an interesting word 🙂 Happy New Year to you too!

  6. Elisa Armstrong

    I think that is perfect! Delight! What a great word. It is so rare that we give ourselves the pleasure of taking delight in the little things. Like you said, you almost feel guilty! But I think God wants us to delight in all His wonderful blessings every day.

  7. Josée

    Yes, I think there is this pervasive misunderstanding that striving to reach heaven or becoming the best version of yourself (as Matthew Kelly would say) means we must be morose and glum.

  8. Jenny

    Oh my gracious! We have the same word for 2014!


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