
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
My parents-in-law live in a cozy cabin on a lake away from town. It’s a little oasis out here and the atmosphere is calm. Their front deck faces south and gets toasty warm when the sun shines, so warm that I wish I had packed a pair of shorts for lounging in. While I’ve been soaking in the sun my children having been biking, playing in the sand and helping spring along in any way they can.
There are still a few piles of snow out here and with the help of a shovels and muscles we’ve been spreading the snow out to let it melt on the driveway. This is a normal activity up here. My daughter convinced me that we should make a snowman, so with sand pails and shovels we built one out of sticky crusty snow. The snowman was run over with a bike and it melted away by the end of the day. I suppose that is the fate of a snowman in May.
The lake still has patches of ice but every day the ice melts a little more. I have been taking pictures every day to record the ice melt. I feel like a scientist doing this. My eldest has been breaking up the ice by ramming into it with a paddle boat or smashing it with a paddle; this is science in action. Our time up north has been a nice respite from our daily rhythm but I am starting to miss home and look forward to our return when the time comes.
Oh yes, I know this practice of shoveling the snow out to aid in the melting! Thankfully the snow here is gone, and the lake is clear of ice. We always seem so far behind on spring here that it's nice getting a reminder that other's are further behind yet. I LOVE the May snowman wearing his baseball cap.