June 20, 2014Feeling Vulnerable

Author: Josée Bergeron

For the past while I have been pouring out my energy in a way that has left me feeling vulnerable. Very vulnerable. On one hand I want to share my time and talents with others but on the other hand there is great risk in being vulnerable. Right now I’m fighting this visceral desire to flee, to escape and avoid everyone and everything so that I protect myself from being hurt. I think it’s a normal emotional response to life’s challenges. I’ve also been praying for wisdom and seeking guidance. Last night I came across this verse in the book of James about wisdom: “but the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity”. I wrote this verse on my whiteboard and have been reflecting on what wisdom truly is… and realizing that wisdom does not mean having the answers for everything.

Taking time for reflection has been helpful but I know that I do need some space as well. I do not cry easily so when I find myself crying I know that I need time to release, restore and reset. So for a while I’m going to step away from various distractions and self-imposed responsibilities. I will continue spending time on this space because it is a special to me but I will be taking a break from Facebook and incessant email checking. Essentially, I am going to step back so that I can enjoy summer to the fullest extent.


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  1. Andres

    Good for you! I find that Philippians 4:17 is another good one to reflect on. We will be praying for you and your family that you have a restful and wonderful summer.


  2. Eryn Wiedner

    You have so much to offer, Josee, and your community benefits greatly from your unique gifts and talents! But without taking care of your needs, you can't help those around you. I'm glad to hear you are taking a break and doing what you need to do to recharge.
    PS – Where is that beautiful place with the bench?

  3. Josée

    Thank you Cindy, I appreciate your prayers so very much 🙂

  4. Josée

    Thank you Eryn 🙂

    The pictures are from a retreat house in Kelowna called Seton House.

  5. Andres

    Josee, I gave you the wrong reference! You probably know which one I was referring to, but just in case, it was 4:7 (not 17)

  6. Elisabeth Brillant

    Allo ma belle Josee…
    I too have been feeling vulnerable of late..although I do not share myself to the world like you do. The photos you post on your blog are so beautiful and very familiar to me…as I live in the Okanagan Valley. From the moment I found your blog, I have felt a connection…maybe because of the photos…and your name (French Canadian?)…and your ability to live a grounded life, close to nature..back to the essentials (which is my heart's desire). Take care of your gentle soul…and thank you for the Seton House link..it looks like a beautiful place to visit and recharge.

  7. Josée

    Hello Elisabeth, my heart was filled with joy reading your comments 🙂 Even though we have never meet I do feel like we share a connection. I hope that you also find time and space to be filled. Seton House is a wonderful place that welcomes all, even those that do not share the Catholic faith, to come and find peace and rest. I hope that you have the chance to visit.


    ps. yes we are French Canadian 🙂

  8. Elisabeth Brillant

    Thanks Josee,
    ps..my husband is Korean..another connection..:)

  9. Julie

    I am sorry to hear you feel this way…I felt the same way this winter! I also pray for wisdom quite regularly, hoping that the word wisdom will bring "answers", but I too have learned that it actually does not mean so… if this can brighten your day, our family just loves your soaps, I even have visitors coming by asking me what soap they just washed their hands with! God is good!

  10. Josée

    Ooo 🙂 Do you watch kdramas?

  11. Josée

    I'm so glad you are enjoying my soaps! That makes me happy 🙂


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