
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
In the last month we’ve been getting accustomed to our new fall rhythm. The weeks have become quite busy with learning activities and fall festivities. Our learning community has been exploring the outdoors and learning about the bounty that this season brings. We’ve been enjoying those last delicious warm days of autumn as we enter into the last stretch of preparations for the winter. The kitchen has been filled with the smell of canned applesauce and pears and my boys have been busy stacking fire wood for the keeping our home warm. It is finally getting to that time of year where we can stand back and appreciate our well stocked pantry and large woodpile while acknowledging the hours of hard work that it took to get them filled.
As the frenzy of late summer and early fall begin to subside we are enjoying more time with friends as we feast together on delicious turkey and hearty soups. Last weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving with special friends and our zealous imbibing in various drinks resulted in some rather grand plans for the upcoming year of which I will share with you soon!
And despite the feasting and festivities that this season has brought I’ve managed to carve out some time for regular exercise. I am no exercise maniac but I do find that regular exercise is especially healthful for me at this time of year. You see, while there are many things about autumn that I am fond of, I have a difficult time adjusting to the shortening days of autumn and winter. During this time of year I tend to struggle with feelings of anxiety and sadness. Thankfully it seems that exercise makes a significant difference in boosting my mood and I am grateful that I am able to set some time aside for exercise this year.
I would love to hear how you and your family are enjoying the autumn season right now. Have you started raking piles of leaves for your children to jump in? Are you enjoying those juicy fall apples? I am curious to find out!
Good for you Josee. I am happy that you are finally finding some time for exercises that will be beneficial. The apples look delicious and so does the apple pie. If I feel depress etc. etc, I will listen to soft music or hymns and it helps me. The fall season and change of temperature has something to do with moods. November also is a tough month. Remember SMILE FOR GOD LOVES YOU. Alice
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