
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
On Sunday we turned our clocks back an hour to mark the end of Daylight Saving Time. Even though we gained a precious hour of sleep on Sunday morning it’s not a transition that I particularly enjoy. Now that darkness moves in so much sooner I find myself craving a regular late afternoon tea break to get a little boost of energy for the evening. The sudden shift takes getting use to and I would be happy to do away with switching our clocks completely.
The nights are getting cooler but we have yet to experience a hard frost. The trees in our neighbourhood are covered in lovely yellow and red leaves. A quick stroll down to the lake gave me the chance to collect a handful of pretty leaves in the hopes of dipping them in beeswax and making a garland. The leave, however, were subsequently ripped into pieces and then spread around my home by my little ones. I think I have found most of the pieces. At least I take comfort in knowing there are still plenty of leaves outside for collecting.
My garden plants are still alive but it is time to pull out the tomatoes and peppers which are no longer ripening. I have been neglecting my yard and garden completely the last month. There simply has not been enough time. I am hoping, I think I am forever hoping, that we will find a more sustainable rhythm this month. It seems that if things go smoothly there are enough margins in the week for restful activities. Of course with three young children there are very few calm moments and so our weeks get filled with an assortment of events that were not predicted. For someone that enjoys rhythm and routine I am constantly feeling stretched beyond my comfort zone. Even though it can be challenging, I think that I am getting better with being in the moment.
Definitely need to schedule less things. Life has been too busy lately!
I find this time of year I absolutely *crave* rest, calm, and a chance to step back from the busier summer/early fall pace. Partly I feel the urge to curl up and hibernate, but also I think the big push of harvesting and preserving, along with the push of the beginning of the school year, naturally ebbs into a desire to relax, recollect, and reflect as the year comes to an end and Advent begins. I've been honoring this impulse by allowing myself to whittle out non-essentials from the schedule, this week I chose to even skip our monthly homeschool meeting and to stay home, bake, read books, and enjoy a last warmish fall day instead. Reminding myself that the schedule exists to serve us, not us to serve it, and it is ok to cut out a few things here or there in order to maintain the peace and flow of our days!
Abby, thank you for sharing this reminder. I think I need to give myself permission to opt out of things as needed 🙂
I also would like the time not to change. I always find that in the month of November I feel more tired, so I try and take more rest. Of course I have the time at my age of 87 to take an afternoon nap, and sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays. The other week days I try to attend daily mass at 8:30 am. Josee take time for yourself if you have a chance you deserve it. But with 3 active children it is not always possible. The photos are very good. thanks. Alice