January 6, 2015Okanagan Snow Day

Author: Josée Bergeron

The last couple days has brought one of the biggest snowfalls that I have seen since we moved here. Locals say it is the biggest they’ve seen in years. In the space of forty-eight hours we have shoveled at least 30 centimeters of snow off our driveways and apparently there is more snow to be expected. This is the kind of snowfall that I am use to seeing up north and I simply love it. Right now the snow is so light and fluffy making it relatively easy to shovel. The blanket of snow covering our neighbourhood has brought a deep hush and there is quietness everywhere. We have spent the greater part of our day shoveling, sledding and trudging through the deep snow. My children have been building forts, pretending to be on a mountain expedition and eating copious amounts of snow. I do not know how long the snow will last and we’re taking every advantage of this winter wonderland before it melts away.


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