
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
My favourite market, however, is just close to our house in Phuket. On the corner of Nam Jai Alley and Wiset (4024), is a small but thriving local market that reminds me a little of our farmers’ market back home. This market takes place every Wednesday and Sunday evenings from about four till eight, with the Wednesday market being a little bigger. As you walk through the market there are many interesting sights and smells. There are stalls filled with fresh seafood, fruit, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and spices. Some fish are so fresh that they are still wiggling in the pail. There are stalls selling meat with chicken feet reaching out to grab you as you walk by. My husband was rather disturbed this. As you pass through the market and admire the variety of foods you will eventually find the food stalls that sell cooked food. To be honest I am a little squeamish about these stalls. I feel comfortable with food cooked to order but I am quite suspicious about any non-vegetarian foods laying around. Maybe after some time I could get use to it but right now those stalls just raise too many red flags in my mind. I do enjoy trying new foods but I would rather not spend a night with food poisoning. I am happy though that we will have the chance to visit this market one more time before returning to Bangkok.