March 18, 2015Shifts and Changes: Home Learning 2014/2015

Author: Josée Bergeron
For our family home learning is something that is constantly evolving and changing. I admire families that are committed to a particular style of home learning, whether it be Charlotte Mason, Montessori, unschooling, classical schooling, among others. The reality is that this is not something that works well for our family at this time. We have a very eclectic approach to home learning and I am constantly noticing shifts and changes as we move through the year.

As I look back to the beginning of this learning year there are several things that have changed. The first is that I am allowing for more breathing space throughout our week. This need for space is a direct result of the over-scheduling and over-commitment that occurred in the fall. It can be difficult to stand back and not participate in every fun or interesting activity that is taking place. After seeing, however, the detriment that over-scheduling can have to both family life and learning I am being more careful about the activities we choose to participate in.

The second shift has been in response to the changing needs of my eldest, who recently turned seven. There is something about turning seven that has ushered in significant changes for my son. The way he observes and interacts with the world around him has become different, more perceptive and focused perhaps. In line with these changes I have also noticed a desire to delve deeper into several areas of learning, so I have been giving him more space for exploration as well as making changes to the curriculum we are using. We are continuing to use curriculum for reading, writing and mathematics as I am noticing that my son is becoming increasingly confident and interested in these areas of learning. We recently switched from the Math-U-See to Signapore Math, a switch that I have been considering for some time. We are also moving on from Primary Arts of Language, a program that has worked well for us, to All About Reading and Spelling. Other areas of learning we explore as interests arise, for instance my eldest has been researching lizards lately and working on Snap Circuits.

And finally, as spring approaches we find ourselves drawn outside more and more. When the days become warmer there are certain aspects of home learning that take on a slower pace. Instead we focus on outdoor exploration, growing food and celebrating this special time of year with friends and family. It is interesting to see the how home learning changes and shifts throughout the year, even from year to year. I suppose being free to change, shift, evolve and grow from month to month and year to year is one of the reasons our family was drawn to home learning in the first place


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1 Comment

  1. Jeremie

    It's definitely amazing how quickly the kids grow up and change. Happy birthday to Claire too!


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