April 10, 2015Garden Journal (yr 3: vol 2)

Author: Josée Bergeron
Spring is a time of surprises. As the days warm we push seeds into moist soil and wait for them to germinate. There is always great anticipation when seeds are planted. In my impatience I have been known to dig up seeds just to make sure they are beginning to swell. I am often reminding myself to wait and trust. As soon as little seeds begins to sprout there is great delight and surprise in our home. Every spring we get caught up in the magic of sprouting seeds. What is it about spouting seeds that captivate us so?

And then there are those enchanted seeds that are planted by the hands of mother nature. I see signs of her handy work all over my yard. There is lettuce growing in my lawn, cilantro poking out of the soil where last year’s cilantro was situated and a small wispy maple tree making itself comfortable in the herb box. Simply magical.

The nights are still cold and we continue to wake to frosty mornings. Our indoors plants, the tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, strawberries, and basil, are growing into healthy seedlings under the steady glow of the grow light. The tomatoes, those crazy tomatoes, have been growing at a rate that baffles me. Soon, I think they will need to be transplanted. The seeds we planted outdoors a couple weeks ago, the peas and broad beans, are sprouting. I have them under a plastic hoop house for added warmth and to prevent pesky quails from rolling over them and snacking on their tender shoots. Just last Saturday I planted spinach, radishes and lettuce, and I just noticed that the radishes are starting to peak through the soil.

Two weeks ago: Garden Journal (yr 3: vol 1)
This time last year: Garden Journal (yr 2: vol 2)
This time two years ago: Garden Journal (vol. 2)


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