How to Plan a Christmas Bird Count for Kids: Tips and Activities
This past December, I had the joy of collaborating with Alex Bodden, president of the South Okanagan Naturalist Society, to bring the first-ever...
Deer, bighorn sheep, rodents and birds eat various parts balsamroot throughout the year, and it is an important plant for native pollinators. Balsamroot was also an important plant for first nations people that lived alongside it. All parts of the plant are edible: flower, stem, leaves, seeds and even the root if boiled or steamed. The young leaves and shoots of balsamroot are high in protein and can be eaten raw or cooked. The seeds can be ground into flour or pressed for oil. From my understanding balsamroot isn’t particular delicious to eat, but it makes a good survival food if there is ever a need. First nations people also used balsamroot medicinally. It was smoked and made into tinctures and poultices, for treating a wide range of ailments. There are thoughts that balsamroot has antibacterial, antifungal and immune stimulating attributes.
You can find arrowleaf balsamroot in the western part of North American. In Canada it grows in the south interior of British Columbia and in Alberta and tends to grow alongside sagebrush and ponderosa pines. It is a beautiful, happy plant, and one that is synonymous with spring in these parts.
Gosh it is beautiful!
I love your post – I live just north of you and the flowers are just barely starting…
I have been in constant awe by these beautiful flowers!
Thank you Ciel! You must be excited to see them in full bloom. They are magical and uplifting 🙂