May 11, 2015Honey Bees in an Old Concrete Roller

Author: Josée Bergeron
My daughter holding a drone (male) bee which has no stinger.

When we moved to southern British Columbia almost three years ago it was a big change for us. We put over eight-hundred kilometers between ourselves and our family and it was a heartbreaking decision to make. I remember crying and taking anxious breaths as we made our first trip south to find a place to live. I was a emotional wreak until I laid my eyes on the sparkling blue waters flowing through the Okanagan valley, which seem to have both a calming and invigorating effect on my heart and mind.

It was only through the great distance that separated our little family from our parents, siblings and their children that I truly came to appreciate how wonderful it is to have family close by. In the last three years, we relished each and every visit from family. Whether there was laughter, or tears, enthusiasm or irritation, family visits have always been, and will continue to be, precious to me. We have often hoped that family might move closer to us but we have been careful not to have any expectations. And yet, something very exciting recently came to pass, my parents moved to the Okanagan! I cannot describe how blessed I feel to have them close by.

The last couple weekends we have had the chance to explore their new home. We have made several interesting discoveries, one of which is shown in the pictures above. In an old concrete hand roller a colony of honey bees has made their home. They are a busy bunch and if you are brave to get close enough you can catch the heady smell of honey wafting out of their hive. As we watched these creative and hard-working bunch of honey bees we wondered what we should do with them. One on hand we dare not interrupt their hard work; we feel that they should be protected and even offered a few bee amenities, such as a little shade and some water. Honey bees are facing so many challenges these days that I am thrilled to see them thrive. And yet that smell of honey wafting from their hive is so enticing that I dream at night of pails brimming with sweet golden liquid.


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  1. Jo-Ann

    Oh, I'm so glad for you guys that your parents have moved to the Okanagan!!

  2. Josée

    Thanks Jo-Ann! It is so wonderful to have family nearby 🙂

  3. Kim

    First of all, how exciting and wonderful to have your parents close by again. And second, the honey bees!!!! That is awesome!

  4. Josée

    It is amazing! (the parents moving closer and the bees!). I am always so amazed by how adaptable nature can be when given the chance.

  5. Alice McCrea

    I am more then thrilled to have my precious friends ( your parents) moved to a residence not too far from my home. I will get to see them more often now. I really enjoy your visit when you, your Hubby and children come by to visit. I always look forward to it. What a beautiful property they have purchased. Thanks for taking me there on Mother"s day.

  6. Josée

    It always lovely to visit with you Alice 🙂


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