June 20, 2015Pharmasave Okanagan Falls Junior Triathlon

Author: Josée Bergeron
This morning my three children, aged seven, five and three, completed their first ever triathlon and it was such a great experience for all!

Yesterday we dropped off their bikes and picked up their race packages which had a shirt, swim cap, race bib, pencil and a sticker. My children had their arms and legs marked with a race number, which made the event feel quite official. The morning of the race each age division had a different start times and there were multiple waves in each division. It was a great turnout! At the end each participant received a completion metal, a container of chocolate milk and a cookie. The Pharmasave Okanagan Falls Junior Triathlon is a such a fun event for children aged three to thirteen and the great thing about it is that it is FREE! Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors that make this such a great event, we are already looking forward to participating next year.


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  1. Alice McCrea

    Excellent for children. How proud they must have been and also the parents. Congratulations. Alice

  2. Jo-Ann

    That looks like so much fun!! What a great idea!

  3. Josée

    It was such a blast. Maybe next year you can join us? 😀

  4. Josée

    They did so well!


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