
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
Books I recently finished
Dead Cold by Louise Penny
Dead Cold is the second book of the Chief Inspector Gamache detective series. The story is set in the small fictional town of Tree Pines, Quebec and takes place among a cast of heartwarming characters. Despite the fact that cold-blooded murder has taken place in Tree Pines once again the town rallies together under the gentle yet firm leadership of the much loved Inspector Gamache. But while Inspector Gamache is trying to piece together clues to solve this strange murder he is dealing with his own enemies within the Surety of Quebec. Louise Penny has crafted yet another captivating murder mystery.
Golden Son (The Red Rising Trilogy, Book 2) by Pierce Brown
After thoroughly enjoying Red Rising, book one of the Red Rising Trilogy which I reviewed here, I had high hopes for the second book. In the first book, Darrow, a Red miner, belongs to the lowest of society’s caste, but forged by tragedy he is remade into a Gold. Now a Golden God he has one purpose: to start a revolution and save his people from slavery. The second book begins on a high note but only lasts a short while before tragedy ensues. The story continues to along a path of highs and lows as the beginnings of a revolution begin to unfolds. The second book did not captivate me like the first and I found the pace frustrating at times. I still hold out hope for the third book Morning Star which will be released February 2016.
Books I am currently reading
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe
Randall Munroe writes a zany book that answers absurd questions in a very scientific manner. Hilarious and educational all at once. This book is a fun read aloud.
Retrain Your Anxious Brain: Practical and Effective Tools to Conquer Anxiety by John Tsilimparis
I have been reading this book on and off over the last few months. Eventually I purchased my own copy because I found myself drawn to its down-to-earth strategies and tools for working through anxiety. I highly recommend this book to anyone struggling with anxiety in their lives.
Books I am planning to read
The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything: A Spirituality for Real Life by James Martin
After reading A Year of Living Prayerfully and God Finds Us I have found myself being drawn to the spiritual practices of St. Iganitus of Loyola. I recently ordered this books from Amazon and eagerly wait its arrival.
The Lake House: A Novel by Kate Morton
Kate Morton, author of The Forgotten Garden, The Secret Keeper and The House at Riverton, has penned a new book which was released this month: The Lake House. I am thrilled because I thoroughly enjoy how she beautifully intertwines mystery throughout several generations.
This post is linked to Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Quick Lit.
I just read Red Rising / Golden Son as well, and felt much the same. The first really hooked me (I finished it one night!) and I was really excited to get the second out of the library. It was still "good" but seemed more uneven and to some degree didn't feel like it "went" anywhere. I'm hoping the end of the trilogy redeems it…
Thanks for your comment Abby 🙂 I'm glad that it wasn't just me that felt disappointing by Golden Son. Let's hope the third book is better!