
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
Driving in Mexico is definitely crazier than back home in Canada, and some people warn that it should not be done under any circumstance. However, after driving in Thailand my husband found it to be a rather an easy transition. As we drove along I enjoyed watching the country side and braced myself for the many topes (speed bumps) along the way. Eventually we made our way to Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca to the home that we would call our own for the next two weeks. The online pictures do not do justice to the beauty of the house which is perched atop a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. As soon as we arrived, despite our late hour and long travel day, the children put on their bathing suits and went swimming in the pool. It was only the beginning of many fun hours to be spent playing in water.
Yay you have arrived! So happy that you are soaking in the sun. Enjoy your trip, I'll be following along!!
Wonderful. Do enjoy your 2 weeks of fun and sunshine. It froze for us in Kelowna last night but for a change bright and sunny today but "nippy". God bless and protect you. Alice.