February 6, 2016Relaxing in Puerto Escondido

Author: Josée Bergeron
After our surfing adventures yesterday we were all in need of rest, especially me. I woke up this morning with bruises on my lower ribs, burns on the back of my legs an arms and sore muscles. It was all worth it of course! Maria and I mustered up some energy to go to the mercado (market) to pick up some fresh red snapper (huachinango) and prawns (camarones) for supper tonight. I am slowly learning more Spanish words and considering learning it as a third language. It has a lot of crossover with French so I can pick up quite a few words while listening. 


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  1. Barb

    I am enjoying your blog Josee and the pics. Wish I was there.

  2. Alice McCrea

    Beautiful pictures. Do continue to relax and enjoy your holidays.


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