
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
Another morning of surfing, an afternoon lounging about and then a couple hours exploring a weaving shop near Playa Principale. That summed up our lovely Monday in Puerto Escondido. At the end of the day, however, I was so tired I went to bed early. It wasn’t until the next morning did I discover that I was to be shackled to the toilet the whole day… if you get my drift. I am not completely surprised that this should happen; it could have been something I ate or all that ocean water I drank while surfing. Regardless, I was careful with hand washing and eating but in the end I would much rather it be me than one of my children. Thankfully, we came well armed with remedies: Pepto-Bismol, Immodium, re-hydration salts and Cipro. I believe that I am on the mend. Hopefully, tomorrow I will set free from my shackles! If you happen to have any further interest on the topic I would recommend reading this helpful article: When the Mango Bites Back.
Those weaved blankets are very nice and so colorful.Hope you recovered from your ailment and no others in your group gets it. Love you, and take a good rest.