March 21, 2016What I’m Reading in March

Author: Josée Bergeron

Books I recently finished

None, actually. There are several books that I am reading as you can see below.

Books I am currently reading

A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler

In this novel the lives of three generations of Whitshanks are tenderly explored. The approach is gentle and I find myself constantly awaiting a surprise twist while suspecting there is none. I have read almost two-thirds of the book and I find myself ready to put it away in favour of something more thrilling.

Morning Star: Book III of The Red Rising Trilogy by Pierce Brown

The gritty start to the final installment of the Red Rising Trilogy is captivating. What will become of Darrow and the rebellion? I can’t wait to find out!

Rediscover Jesus: An Invitation by Matthew Kelly

Our parish priest gifted this book to me at Christmas and until now it has been buried among my stacks of books. The book is divided into forty chapters making it a good book to read during the forty days of Lent. Each chapter explores an aspect of Jesus from various perspectives and is an invitation to enter into a relationship with Him. Rediscover Jesus is an approachable, easy read and yet life-transforming at the same time.

Books I am planning to read

Drunks and Monks by John Carmichael

My husband is currently reading this one and I’m looking forward to reading it once he’s finished.

The Wise Man’s Fear: The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day Two by Patrick Rothfuss 

The sequel to The Name of the Wind.

This post is linked to Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Quick Lit.


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  1. Alice McCrea

    I guess it is good for you to read books as it then can give you time to relax, for otherwise you are so busy.

  2. Cristina Drego

    Let us know if you enjoy drunks and monks. I'm trying to decide if I want to pay $8 for the ebook. I've heard so many good things but paying for ebooks just kills me. I've been spoiled by my library


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