October 24, 2016A Taste of Winter at Baldy Mountain Resort

Author: Josée Bergeron


This winter we are trading in our nordic skis for alpine skis. Now that our children are a little older we are hitting the slopes to learn some new skills. My husband is very excited about alpine skiing this winter. He doesn’t enjoy nordic skiing as much as I do, and after eight years of pulling our children along cross-country ski trails I conceded that we would try something different this winter. We live in proximity to two ski hills Apex Mountain Resort and Baldy Mountain Resort. Over the last few years Baldy Mountain Resort has experienced financial difficulties and has been closed more often than not. When news arrived earlier this year that Mount Blady was under new ownership and plans were under way for a revitalization our curiosity was peaked. Many of our friends had great things to say about Mount Baldy, and they were stoked that the hill was reopening. I knew they were serious when one of my friends waited up until midnight to purchase their season passes the day they became available. After I compared the price of a season pass at Apex versus Baldy the decision was easily made. A season pass at Baldy is one-third the cost of Apex! To be sure Apex Mountain Resort has advantages over Baldy Mountain Resort, but for a family of novice alpine skiers Baldy seems like the better fit. Plus, we want to ski with our friends!

This past weekend Baldy Mountain Resort was celebrating the Festival of Colours and everyone was invited to go up and check out the improvements, ride the SugarLump chair lift, get their season passes, eat food and taste some wine. As we drove up the winding hill to Mount Baldy we were surprised by the breathtaking views of golden larch forests and we stopped a few times to admire these unique trees. As we approached the mountain my kids gasped when the first dusting of snow appeared on the ground. Even though I packed everyone’s snow gear they were doubtful there would be snow. That doubt vanished at the sight of a snowy Mount Baldy. After securing our season passes we hopped onto the chairlift and rode up the mountain. As we rode up the mountain my husband was giddy with anticipation for the coming ski season. My children were shocked by the fact that they did not have to ski up the mountain to go back down again, a big change from cross-country skiing. This little taste of winter on Mount Baldy was the teaser we needed to get excited for the upcoming ski season. Now we are counting down the days to the opening on December 1st.


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