November 7, 2016Our First Week of #FallOutside2016

Author: Josée Bergeron


For the chilly month of November Mud Puddles to Meteors is offering daily email inspirations and motivations to get families outdoors and connect with the natural world. We really enjoy exploring the outdoors but it’s all to tempting to hunker down when the weather outside is less than inviting. This pass week we went out every day, regardless of weather. Some days were windy and cold, and others were sunshiny and beautiful. Throughout the week we received daily prompts, things to look out for on our adventures. We observed trees, grass, insects and textures, among other things. Some days my children were captivated by these prompts and other days other things interested them. The point of #FallOutside2016 is not so much the completion of the prompts but to get outside, slow down and be aware.

This week I re-discovered the importance of getting outside everyday, rain or shine. I found that our time outdoors was both grounding and energizing, something most needed this time of year. That being said getting outside everyday was not always easy. There were days this past week when my children grumbled and whined about having to go out into the wind and rain. Twice my youngest had a full-blown meltdown about having to get dressed; he doesn’t like clothing. I persisted and sometimes even promised (bribed) them hot chocolate on our return. Once the biggest hurdle of getting outside was overcome it never took long for nature to melt away our resistance and invite us to explore and play. The pictures in this post are a collection of pictures from our first week of #FallOutside2016.

For more information check out the Fall Outside 2016 Facebook Page or Sign-Up for the daily emails. You can also follow along on our #FallOutside2016 adventures on my Facebook Page and on Instagram.


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