
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
It’s time to say farewell to November, and to autumn. Even though winter officially begins on December 21st, I always think of December 1st as the start of winter fun and festivities. Over the last month we’ve been gathering and organizing all our winter paraphernalia. With three growing children there is always winter gear that no longer fits, or is somehow missing. And with our upcoming adventures in alpine skiing, instead of the usual nordic (cross-country) skiing, there’s been a lot of time spent getting geared up for that as well. With all the preparing and organizing going on around here, we are finally ready for winter!
This past weekend we joined our friends at Baldy Mountain to help dust out their cabin and play in the soft snow. All that lovely snow means that Baldy Mountain Resort opens this weekend. We’ll be there, with our bells (and skis) on! If you’re looking for us, look for a family of five tumbling down the hill in an attempt to ski. In the last couple weeks I’ve had visions of human pile-ups at the end of the ski lift (our family). I even admit to soliciting the help and advice of YouTube and my younger brother in an attempt to feeling more prepared to hit the slops. I don’t remember the last time I’ve had alpine skis strapped to my feet. For the last eight years we’ve been nordic skiing and before that snowboarding was my thing. However, I’ve come to a place of acceptance and excitement. Yes, learning to downhill ski will take time and effort, there will be tears and sore muscles, but I’m up for the challenge and I’m hoping for plenty of laughs and good times along the way.
Looking forward to the ski adventures!