22 Ways Kids Can Save Water

On March 22nd we celebrate World Water Day. This is a very important day where we remembers how important it is for everyone to have clean drinking water and how to take care of our water. These days everyone is talking about water: scientists, conservationists, community leaders, school teachers, parents and even kids! That’s right! Kids don’t need to wait until they grow up to start taking care of our precious water; they can start now. To celebrate World Water Day here are 22 ways that kids can help save water. (This post is written for kids and their parents, teachers and caregivers.) Disclaimer: This page contains Amazon Affiliates links and I may earn a small commission from your purchases made through them.  Post last updated September 2022. 22 Ways Kids Can Save Water 1. Learn about water and why it’s important. Why is water so important? Learn about water from library books, your teachers, your parents or from the internet. Ask lots of questions! CLICK HERE for my list of picture books about water for kids: Some of my favourite water themed picture books for kids are: A Drop Around the World by Barbara McKinney Drop: An Adventure Through the Water Cycle by Emily Kate … Continue reading 22 Ways Kids Can Save Water