9 Magical Ways to Celebrate May Day with Kids

May Day is a wonderful springtime celebration that takes place on May 1st. This special day has its roots in ancient history. A very long time ago the ancient Greeks celebrated the Festival of Chloris and the Romans celebrated Floralia. Both of these festivals were in honour of the goddess of flowers.  Over time these springtime festivals have evolved into the May Day celebrations that take place around the world today. Celebrating May Day with Your Kids “Mama, are we celebrating May Day this year?” wondered my daughter. “Absolutely!” I replied. Over the years May Day has been a much anticipated celebration for our family. We wear colorful clothes, makes flower crowns, sing songs and dance around the Maypole with our friends. Celebrating May Day with your children is a wonderful way to connect with nature and enjoy springtime changes. 1. Make a May Day flower crown. Everyone, children and adults, can be springtime gods and goddesses when they adorn our heads in flowers. The simplest and most earth-friendly way to make a flower crown is to use what nature provides. Twist together a few thin flexible branches or vines into a circle. One of our favourite branches to use is weeping … Continue reading 9 Magical Ways to Celebrate May Day with Kids