
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
The way we talk to our kids about the weather has a big impact on their interest in playing outside. When we talk about the weather negatively, using it as an excuse to stay inside or blaming it for thwarting our plans, our kids learn to do the same thing. Our kids are really good at copying us!
However, when we talk about the weather in positive ways, we are teaching our kids that there is no bad weather. There are only many different types of good weather: rain, snow, wind, cloud, fog, cold, hot…
Unless there is a severe weather warning in place, kids can play outside in all types of weather. What’s more, developing a positive mindset around weather helps our kids learn resilience, preparedness and flexibility which will benefit them throughout their life. Hurrah!
Tip #1: Describe the weather in simple, factual and/or neutral to positive words.
Tip #2: Ignite curiosity and wonder about the weather with questions and possible outdoor activities.
Bonus Tip: Dress appropriately for the weather and have fun outside!
Read: Keeping Kids Warm in the Winter with Base Layers
➡ The thermometer says it’s below 0°C (32°F) outside. I wonder what Jack Frost has been up to outside? Let’s go find out.
➡ Look! The ground is sparkling with frost. Today is the perfect day for drinking hot chocolate outside.
➡ Come and peek out the font door! Can you see your breath? That means we need to wear our warm clothing today.
➡ I see rain falling. Today is a great day for jumping into puddles with our rubber boots.
➡ Rain is wonderful for plants and animals. Let’s go outside and play in the rain.
➡ Oh my! All this rain is perfect for making mud pies.
➡ Can you see the trees swaying in the wind? Today would be great day to fly a kite.
➡ The wind is swirling leaves through the air. Let’s go see if we can catch them.
➡ Did you know that there are different types of wind? Let’s go outside and see what kind of wind is blowing today.
➡ Wow! Look at all those beautiful snowflakes. Let’s go outside and see if we can catch some on our tongues.
➡ The ground is covered in snow. It’s a perfect day for sledding.
➡ This sticky snow is just what we need to build a snowman.
➡ The sun is hiding behind the clouds. Today would be a great day to look for shapes in the clouds.
➡ Wow! Those clouds are moving fast. Let’s go watch them.
➡ There’s fog outside! We can go walking through clouds.
➡ The sun is warm today. Let’s go outside and play in some water.
➡ Plants grow big in hot weather. Let’s go outside and plant something.
➡ The thermometer says it’s over 30°C (86°F). Today is the perfect day to enjoy a frozen treat outside!
Some great ideas, I am going to try some of them. Thanks!
These are really cool!
I learn to say better and more acceptable words to encourage children to enjoy any kind of weather!