
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
I love Valentine’s Day, but I don’t love all the candy and plastic that goes along with it. Last year my kids and I made earth-friendly Easy Heart Shaped Seed Bombs for Valentine’s day. This year we’re continue the seed tradition with some cute printable flower seed packets.
If you are looking for a nature-inspired Valentine’s Day gift that kids can make than you’ve come to the right place! When kids give these flower seed packets they’re helping their friends connect with nature by growing beautiful flowers that will feed bees, birds and butterflies!
These Valentine flower seed packets were made for kids in mind. The packets can be coloured and are easy to assemble. Kids as young as five or six years old can make them with little or no help. My six year old boy loved making these all on his own.
And nobody said these were only for kids! I had just as fun designing them as making them.
I can’t buy your product – and I really want to – because PayPal is inserted and I cannot pay with my VISA !! I DO NOT want to have a PayPal account.
Hi Nancy, you should be able to pay using Visa without having PayPal account. When you click on the link it say pay with PayPal OR credit card. Paying via Paypal or creating an account is optional. I hope that helps.
Wow!!! It is very cute and beautiful 🙂 I am sure that such a gift would be great.
Since each type of seed has different instructions for how they are to be planted, how far apart they are to be planted, they also encourage parents and older siblings to join in on the activity, planting and growing and eating, creating a special bonding opportunity.