
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
Sometimes feeling motivated to get our kids outside can be a challenge. Maybe it’s the weather, an illness, a new baby, our schedule, or our mood. During times like this, because it happens to even the outdoorsiest of parents, reach out for support and grab hold of a trusty book to help boost your motivation.
Below I’ve listed of 30+ books sure to inspire and motivate parents wanting to get outside with their kids whatever the weather.
Want to add a book to this list? Contact me and let me know what book I should add!
Disclaimer: This page contains Amazon Affiliates links and I may earn a small commission from your purchases made through them.
Post updated August 2023.
I wish this site had been open when I needed it the most for teaching. It is available now and I will endeavour to spread it amongst my teaching colleagues.
Work at nature school in Sweden. We are taking out 3.500 kids for one day nature program.
Ser pur Homepage http://www.nynashamnsnaturskola.se we are writing books hos can you learn biologi and mathmatics outside.