Eco-Friendly Easter Basket Ideas for Kids

The tradition of Easter baskets has been woven throughout time as an important part of spring celebrations. For much of history Easter baskets were filled with items like eggs, bread, butter, beeswax candles, plants, and meat. Modern Easter baskets, however, look quite a bit different. A typical Easter basket these days might have plastic eggs, chocolate bunnies, and plastic grass and these things are not great for our planet. However, by changing up of few items in Easter baskets we can make Easter more earth-friendly and just as, if not more, special for our children. In this article I will be sharing eco-friendly Easter basket ideas that help children connect with the natural world and respect the planet. Disclaimer: This page contains Amazon Affiliates links as well as affiliate links for Stanley, Jan & Jul, Reima, Bella Luna Toys and I may earn a small commission from your purchases made through them. Get eco-friendly baskets An eco-friendly Easter basket begins with the basket! If Easter baskets are a regular part of your family Easter traditions, and you want to buy new ones, consider getting baskets that are ethically-sourced and fair-trade. Ideally, find baskets that you can reuse for many years and can … Continue reading Eco-Friendly Easter Basket Ideas for Kids