Backwoods MamaJosée

Naturally Dyed Dandelion Play Dough Recipe

Naturally Dyed Dandelion Play Dough Recipe

Dandelions are a telltale sign that spring has truly arrived. This common "weed" is one of nature's wonderful gifts to pollinators and insects in the spring. In fact, it's only been recent that dandelions have been viewed as weeds. For the longest time they were a...

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Dandelion Flower Butter Cookies

Dandelion Flower Butter Cookies

I have been obsessed with dandelions this spring. We've been using dandelions to create art, decorate our nature table and fill our bellies. There have been plenty of dandelion "fails" along the way... I will spare you the drama of my dandelion play dough. However,...

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How To Make a Wet Felted Mason Jar Lantern

How To Make a Wet Felted Mason Jar Lantern

A few years ago I shared a tutorial on How to Make a Wet Felted Lantern For Winter Solstice. This project has always been a favourite in our home. This year we wanted to try the same technique on mason jars to create a lantern with sturdier sides. The result: A...

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How to Make Birdseed Ornaments for Wild Birds

How to Make Birdseed Ornaments for Wild Birds

Every winter my kids and I make cookie cutter birdseed ornaments to hang on a special tree for our feathered friends. It's one of our favourite winter traditions. We also make extras to give as gifts to teachers, friends and family to celebrate the Winter Solstice and...

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Playing in Nature Protects Our Children During a Pandemic

Playing in Nature Protects Our Children During a Pandemic

In a very short span of time our lives have been flipped upside down. Places of gathering have been closed. Schools are shutting its doors and millions of children are staying home. Parents and children are struggling to adjust to this new normal which may go on for...

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50+ Spring Nature Activities for Kids of All Ages

50+ Spring Nature Activities for Kids of All Ages

Spring officially starts on the spring equinox which falls on March 19, 20, or 21 in the northern hemisphere and September 22 or 23 in the southern hemisphere. On this special day the sun shines directly on the equator of our planet and for a short time day and night...

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Visiting Bali with Kids – Is It Worth It?

Visiting Bali with Kids – Is It Worth It?

It's been three months since we returned from our three week adventure in Bali. Three months of reflecting on Bali. Three months of wondering if Bali was worth it. I am deeply grateful for our time in Bali. Grateful that I had the opportunity to bring my family to...

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A Decade in Review and a New Word for 2020

A Decade in Review and a New Word for 2020

Happy New Year! It's 2020 and the start of a new decade. Much has happened in the last ten years of my life. In fact, I started this blog on the eve of last decade. My first post went up on November 2, 2009, and it was a simple reflection on an All Hallow's Eve Party....

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How to Make a Willow Nature Crown with Your Child

How to Make a Willow Nature Crown with Your Child

Nature crowns are magical things. Weaving branches, flowers, leaves and little bits of nature into a crown, gives children a wonderful opportunity to connect with nature, develop fine motor skills and engage in imaginative outdoor play. Earth Friendly Crowns Nature...

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9 Special Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice with Kids

9 Special Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice with Kids

Summer solstice is an exciting astronomical event that heralds the start of summer fun. The summer solstice is that one day of the year where we have the most hours of daylight. It's also when the sun will rise to its highest point in the sky. These astronomical...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Pond Dipping with Kids

A Beginner’s Guide to Pond Dipping with Kids

At first glance, a pond might seem small and insignificant, but below its still surface there is a magical world waiting to be discovered. Pond dipping is a fun must-do nature adventure for kids. The great thing is that it's so easy to do. All your child needs is a...

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How Pokémon Can Get Kids Bird Watching

How Pokémon Can Get Kids Bird Watching

These days most kids can name more Pokémon characters than birds species. At first that might seem a bit surprising, but it actually points to something incredible. Children have an innate insatiable curiosity for learning about creatures (real or make believe) and an...

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Rock Climbing and Hiking Around Las Vegas with Kids

Rock Climbing and Hiking Around Las Vegas with Kids

If I'm going to honest, Las Vegas has never been on my growing list of must-do family adventures. When I lay in bed at night I dream of exploring lush rain forests, paddling across smooth lakes, climbing epic rock walls and hiking flower dotted alpine trials with my...

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100+ Must-Read Nature Books for Kids of All Ages

100+ Must-Read Nature Books for Kids of All Ages

The Earth is filled with so many curiosities and surprises. More than we can ever imagine! Children love to explore nature, and one way to fuel their sense of wonder and support their healthy appetite for knowledge is to supply them with many well written and...

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Printable Valentine Flower Seed Packets for Kids

Printable Valentine Flower Seed Packets for Kids

I love Valentine's Day, but I don't love all the candy and plastic that goes along with it. Last year my kids and I made earth-friendly Easy Heart Shaped Seed Bombs for Valentine's day. This year we're continue the seed tradition with some cute printable flower seed...

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