Backwoods MamaInspiration

My One Word for 2024 + How to Pick a Nudge Word

My One Word for 2024 + How to Pick a Nudge Word

I sit in a small alcove of my small log home, my back the dining table which is stretched to its maximum length. Around its scratched wooden surface friends and family have gathered to play games. Their feet tap to tunes and their voices rise above the din of laughter...

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A Decade in Review and a New Word for 2020

A Decade in Review and a New Word for 2020

Happy New Year! It's 2020 and the start of a new decade. Much has happened in the last ten years of my life. In fact, I started this blog on the eve of last decade. My first post went up on November 2, 2009, and it was a simple reflection on an All Hallow's Eve Party....

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A One Word Intention for the New Year

A One Word Intention for the New Year

There are a lot of unknowns that await us in the next 365 days and not knowing what will happen can be both exciting and unnerving. Maybe that's why we embrace the new year as an opportunity to make resolutions and commit to being a better version of ourselves. We...

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