Backwoods MamaRaising Outdoor Kids

10 Tips for Navigating Toddler Tantrums

10 Tips for Navigating Toddler Tantrums

If you are struggling with managing your toddler's tantrums, I'm here to help. As a mother of four, currently in the toddler phase myself (yet again!), I'm going to share my top tips for navigating through toddler tantrums with confidence and love. Why do toddlers...

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Picture Books about Water Science and Conservation for Kids

Picture Books about Water Science and Conservation for Kids

Water is an amazing liquid! It's a life-force and without it our planet would looked very different. Help your child learn all about the importance of water with these wonderful picture books about water science and water conservation. There are water science books in...

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7 Special Ways to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox with Kids

7 Special Ways to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox with Kids

The Autumn Equinox marks the first official day of fall. On this special day, the length of daylight and the length darkness are the same. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere this day usually happens on September 22nd or September 23rd, but if you live in the...

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Loose Parts Play Ideas for Toddlers

Loose Parts Play Ideas for Toddlers

Loose Parts Play is an engaging and self-directed type of play that's perfect for toddlers. In this article learn more about the theory of Loose Parts Play, how it benefits toddlers and a list of toddler approved loose parts that will stimulate your toddler's...

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Valentine’s Day Nature Scavenger Hunt (+ Free Printable)

Valentine’s Day Nature Scavenger Hunt (+ Free Printable)

Valentine's Day is a day for sharing our love with family, friends... and the planet! One of the first steps to showing our children how to care for our planet is to let them explore nature at their own pace. This Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt is an invitation for...

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A Unique Gift Guide for Outdoorsy Kids

A Unique Gift Guide for Outdoorsy Kids

Encouraging kids to spend time outside is one of the best gifts they can receive. With that in mind, this gift guide was carefully curated to encourage kids to get outdoors. Each item is something that my own children enjoy using, or would enjoy, or it's something...

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Fall Outside: 30 Prompts for Exploring Nature with Children

Fall Outside: 30 Prompts for Exploring Nature with Children

Fall Outside: 30 Prompts for Exploring Fall with Children is an eBook offers parents and educators thirty fun prompts for inviting children to explore the season of fall outdoors. The prompts can be used as a 30-day challenge or they can be used randomly throughout...

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How to Help Children Overcome Their Fear of Bugs

How to Help Children Overcome Their Fear of Bugs

"Mama, there's a wasp in my room!" "I think there's a tick in my hair! Get it out! GET IT OUT!!!!" "Help! There's a spider on the door!" Fear of bugs, even among the most nature loving children, is extremely common. It's so common that it pops up regularly in online...

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Playing in Nature Protects Our Children During a Pandemic

Playing in Nature Protects Our Children During a Pandemic

In a very short span of time our lives have been flipped upside down. Places of gathering have been closed. Schools are shutting its doors and millions of children are staying home. Parents and children are struggling to adjust to this new normal which may go on for...

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50+ Spring Nature Activities for Kids of All Ages

50+ Spring Nature Activities for Kids of All Ages

Spring officially starts on the spring equinox which falls on March 19, 20, or 21 in the northern hemisphere and September 22 or 23 in the southern hemisphere. On this special day the sun shines directly on the equator of our planet and for a short time day and night...

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9 Special Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice with Kids

9 Special Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice with Kids

Summer solstice is an exciting astronomical event that heralds the start of summer fun. The summer solstice is that one day of the year where we have the most hours of daylight. It's also when the sun will rise to its highest point in the sky. These astronomical...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Pond Dipping with Kids

A Beginner’s Guide to Pond Dipping with Kids

At first glance, a pond might seem small and insignificant, but below its still surface there is a magical world waiting to be discovered. Pond dipping is a fun must-do nature adventure for kids. The great thing is that it's so easy to do. All your child needs is a...

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How Pokémon Can Get Kids Bird Watching

How Pokémon Can Get Kids Bird Watching

These days most kids can name more Pokémon characters than birds species. At first that might seem a bit surprising, but it actually points to something incredible. Children have an innate insatiable curiosity for learning about creatures (real or make believe) and an...

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