Backwoods MamaMy Fall Nature Journal

What is ‘My Fall Nature Journal’?

Kids are innately curious about nature. From a young age children like to gather sticks and rocks, play in mud, climb trees and catch bugs. As kids start getting older spending regular time outside helps them become healthier and happier! My Nature Journal encourages kids to get outside to explore, discover and connect with nature on a regular basis.

My Nature Journal is a seasonally inspired nature curriculum eBook that has thirteen (13) themes that invites your child outside to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the natural.

Each eBook edition of My Nature Journal includes:

  • Thirteen (13) nature and science inspired themes that get kids outside.
  • Nature-inspired stories and poems.
  • Nature and science diagrams and pictures.
  • Hand-drawn zentangle colouring pages.
  • A glossary.
  • A parent’s guide with recommendations for more activities and book lists.

My Fall Nature Journal is also…

Seasonally Inspired: Just as nature follows the rhythm of the seasons, so does My Nature JournalIt comes in three separate editions: FALL, WINTER, and SPRING.

Rooted in Nature Science: The thirteen (13) lessons, one for each week of the season, begin with a nature-inspired story or poem, explore a nature science topic, and then invite children to go outside to explore and observe nature. At the end of each lesson there is also a section for deepening a child’s knowledge about nature.

Led by Your Child’s Interests: My Nature Journal is a flexible curriculum. Your child is encouraged to choose the theme that engages them and go from there. When children take initiative in their learning they often will be more motivated and curious.

Supported by a Parent/Educator Guide: When you purchase My Nature Journal you will also receive a guide that goes along with the journal. This guide will provide recommendations for more activities as well as book lists for each topic.

When I first downloaded My Nature Journal, I was thrilled to see that we didn’t only receive the journal but useful parenting notes also. There were so many golden tips and resource ideas inside, that alone was so helpful to me as a busy parent. Then I opened the My Nature Journal! It’s jam-packed with prompts to get your kids, not only outside, but thinking, reflecting and appreciating the natural world around them. If your child loves nature, they will adore My Nature Journal!’ – Penny Whitehouse from Mother Natured

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy the journals? My Fall Nature Journal is available on this page. My Spring and Winter Nature Journals are also available.

Can I see a sample? Yes, you can see some samples by clicking through the images on this page.

What ages are My Nature Journal targeted towards? My Nature Journal is written for children between the ages of eight and twelve (8 to 12), however you know your child best. The journal does incorporate a decent amount of writing and sketching. Some children as young as six or seven may enjoy this journal as well as those in their early teens.

Is My Nature Journal for homeschoolers or schoolers? This journal is intended for all children regardless of their educational path.

Why did you develop the My Nature Journal? As a parent and a home educator of my three children, I wanted to create a nature curriculum that was science-based but also an invitation to deepen children’s connection and knowledge of nature by getting kids outside in nature. This curriculum is not “busy work” but truly a child-led approach to giving older children the opportunity to explore, discover and connect with nature.

Is My Nature Journal only for kids in the Northern Hemisphere? While this curriculum was developed in Canada, it was written for children in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

How do I get the eBook? After you’ve purchased the eBook you will be able to download the eBook immediately. You will also receive an e-mail which contains the download link. Be sure to save the download directly to your phone, tablet or computer.

How should I print the eBook? I recommend printing the eBook in its entirety. I also suggest that you have it spiral bound with a back and front cover so that it is easy for your child to bring out into nature. . Another option is to print off the lessons as needed.

Why is My Nature Journal only black and white? For two reasons! The first is that colour printing is expensive and I want parents/educators to be able to easily print the eBook. The second reason is that the journal is meant to be coloured by your child so that they can make it their own.

Is there a printed version of this eBook? At this time only an eBook is available, but if there’s enough demand I will look into getting printed copies made out.

What other resources or supplies do I need to use My Nature Journal? All you need is the eBook, a pencil, a curious child and access to the outdoors. A few of the activities do require extra materials but these items will be easy to find around your home. That’s it! Any extras, such as books or supplies for the activities listed in the parent guide are completely optional.

Can I share the eBook with my friends? I’m so glad you and your child enjoy My Nature Journal so much that you’d like to share it. However, I ask that you please encourage your friends to purchase the eBook directly from this website. A great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this resource and making it affordable for all.

Can I review your nature curriculum? Yes please! I have a set number of FREE copies available for parents and educators to review. If you would like to receive a FREE copy of my eBook in exchange for a review please email

What if my child doesn’t like the journal? Sometimes a curriculum or program isn’t a good fit for our child. I understand that completely. If you or your child is unsatisfied with the journal please email me directly at within thirty (30) days and I can set up a refund.

I love how the Fall Nature Journal encourages my kids to have weekly outdoor and discover the world around them. Today we rode our bikes to a pond and tried to catch tiny fish and bugs with our bare hands. Then we wrote about it in the field notes section of the Fall Journal. – Susan Strayer from Mountain Mom and Tots
