Backwoods MamaSpring Outside 2020

Join us for Spring Outside 2020!

Welcome to Spring Outside!

Spring is a time of new beginnings, growth and change. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to slow down, be present and discover the beauty and curiosities of nature with your child.

Spring Outside is 30 days of gentle encouragement to help you enjoy spring with your child and connect with nature.

What can you expect in April?

Daily emails for 30 days.

For the entire month of April, you will receive a daily outdoor nature prompt to fit into your day. You will not need any special materials or to make any special “plans” for the prompts. They are meant to fit into your daily routine and to be a spark that will ignite your family’s sense of curiosity and wonder of nature each day.

Encouragement and Support.

When is comes to encouraging our kids to go outside we parents, and caregivers play a crucial role. We are the compass that points our kids out the door and into nature. If we show a lack of interest or motivation to going outside, so will our kids. If we show interest and excitement to go outside, even on cold rainy days, our kids will learn to embrace nature in all its forms.

During Spring Outside I will be sharing ideas and resources to help you and your child get outside, whatever the weather!

A Fun and Caring Community.

You will also be invited to join our caring and fun community of parents, educators, grandparents and caregivers in our private Facebook group  Raising Outdoor Kids and are welcome and encouraged to share your adventures in our private Facebook group or our community Instagram page by using the hashtags #springoutside2020 and #raisingoutdoorkids.

How do I join?

There is no cost to joining to Spring Outside 2020. All you need to do is sign-up and you’ll start receiving the prompts on April 1st.

You can sign-up below or CLICK HERE (if the form below doesn’t show up correctly on your mobile phone).


Spring Outside 2020

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You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp’s privacy practices here.

Come and join our community of parents, grandparents and educators as we raise outdoor kids.

Raising Outdoor Kids by Backwoods Mama