Backwoods MamaBirds

How to Make Birdseed Ornaments for Wild Birds

How to Make Birdseed Ornaments for Wild Birds

Every winter my kids and I make cookie cutter birdseed ornaments to hang on a special tree for our feathered friends. It's one of our favourite winter traditions. We also make extras to give as gifts to teachers, friends and family to celebrate the Winter Solstice and...

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How Pokémon Can Get Kids Bird Watching

How Pokémon Can Get Kids Bird Watching

These days most kids can name more Pokémon characters than birds species. At first that might seem a bit surprising, but it actually points to something incredible. Children have an innate insatiable curiosity for learning about creatures (real or make believe) and an...

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7 Ways to Use Technology to Get Your Child Outside

7 Ways to Use Technology to Get Your Child Outside

Using technology as a way to help kids connect with nature might seem counterintuitive. After all, aren't we trying to get our technology-addicted kids outside to take a break from screen time? Here in Canada, children spend an...

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The Vaseux Lake Bird Observatory

The Vaseux Lake Bird Observatory

The Vaseux Lake Bird Observatory is located about 4 km south of Okanagan Falls, BC. It's easy to drive past the indistinct pull-out on the west side of Highway 97, as I have done so many times, or even to confuse it with the Vaseux Lake Wildlife Centre which is 2.5 km...

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