Backwoods MamaCamping

Make Family Camping Way More Fun – Pack Less!

Make Family Camping Way More Fun – Pack Less!

"When are we going camping?" asked my son just the other day. Camping is a much anticipated activity in our household. As a child, I loved camping too. My parents couldn't afford luxurious trips abroad, but it didn't...

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Bow Valley Campground

Bow Valley Campground

Bow Valley Campground is a popular camping spot for folks living in Calgary because it is a relatively shorts drive away. I have done a fair bit of camping between Jasper and Canmore but this was a new stop for me. As we drove from Lake Louise, through Banff and...

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Camping with Little Children: A Reflection

Camping with Little Children: A Reflection

My parents took us camping every summer. I don't remember when we started our camping adventures. I must have been around eight because I have memories of my little brother toddling around and getting bathed in a rubber bin. Camping was something I looked forward to....

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Family Camping Checklist

Family Camping Checklist

We have just returned from a six day car camping trip with our three little children (ages 5, 3 and 1) at Kokanee Creek Provincial camp ground for the awesome Jam Camp! It was our longest camping trip as a family of five and while camping with little...

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Tips for Camping with Little Ones

Tips for Camping with Little Ones

My parents brought us camping often and my siblings and I have many fond memories of our camping adventures together. So, it has become one of my missions to pass these cherished times on to my children. My husband also did some camping but his family had an...

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