Backwoods MamaCherry

Preserving Cherries: Four Methods

Preserving Cherries: Four Methods

We have been the happy recipients of cherries! Lots of cherries! We have processed at least 50kg (110lbs) of cherries in the last few days. My fingers are an awful shade of brown-red from all the pitting and chopping. Pitting cherries is messy business and everything...

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Cherry-Apple Fruit Leather

Cherry-Apple Fruit Leather

Cherry-apple fruit leather is easy to make. This recipe, if you can call it that, has two ingredients: cherries and unsweetened apple sauce. Apple sauce add sweetness and pectin to the puree which helps with the flavour and texture of this fruit leather. Apple-Cherry...

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A Day of U-Picking in the South Okanagan

A Day of U-Picking in the South Okanagan

Today was our first u-pick day of the year. We started up at Covert Farms and picked their sweet organic strawberries ($2.50/lb). The picking was easy so it didn't take long to fill our cardboard box. Teddy wasn't too keen on standing between the rows of strawberry...

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