Backwoods MamaHow-To

How to Start a Family Nature Club

How to Start a Family Nature Club

How to Raise Outdoor Kids Raising kids that love spending time outside and in nature isn't an easy feat these days. With so many day-to-day commitments and distractions, time outside is no longer a priority for most families. Here in North America, children spend the...

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How-To Make Easy Heart Shaped Seed Bombs

How-To Make Easy Heart Shaped Seed Bombs

Celebrate Valentine's Day by sharing these heart shaped seed bombs with your loved ones and with the planet. Seed bombs are the perfect eco-friendly Valentine gift for kids to make and share with their family and friends. For an updated version of this post visit: How...

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How to Make a Wet Felted Lantern For Winter Solstice

How to Make a Wet Felted Lantern For Winter Solstice

This post was last updated November 2021. A few years ago I invited a group of families into my home to make wet felted lanterns for Winter Solstice. I covered my living room floor in a large blue tarp and set out a few bins of hot soapy water. It was chaotic and...

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The Ultimate Guide to Bouldering Outside with Kids

The Ultimate Guide to Bouldering Outside with Kids

What is bouldering? Is it different than rock climbing? Bouldering is a type of rock climbing where climbers scale boulders (large rocks) without a harness or rope. Some say bouldering is rock climbing in it's simplest form, but simple doesn't necessarily mean easy....

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How to Can Pears

How to Can Pears

Canning pears is a labour of love. It is by far the most time consuming of my canning projects. I do it because we love to eat home canned pears, nothing can compare.How many pears? A quart jar fits about 2.5 lbs (about 1 kg) of pears. To calculate how many...

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How to Can Tomato Sauce

How to Can Tomato Sauce

We are fast approaching our tomato quota. Putting up enough tomatoes for the year takes time and effort, a great deal of both, but seeing the end result is more than worth it. This year I am sharing tutorials on how to can peaches, stewed tomatoes and now tomato...

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How to Can Crushed Tomatoes

How to Can Crushed Tomatoes

My home has been filled with guests and tomatoes. Right now the dining table is fully extended to accommodate not our guests but 160lbs of Roma tomatoes while the other 40lbs are still in a couple boxes waiting to be laid out. The last of the 180lbs of round tomatoes...

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How to Can Peaches

How to Can Peaches

Homed canned peaches are fabulous to eat when they are out of season. Not only are they less expensive than store bought canned peaches but they taste much better. Here I've provided a thorough guide to canning peaches that should be helpful for both the newbie and...

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Sourdough Bread Recipe: Making Bread (Day 3)

Sourdough Bread Recipe: Making Bread (Day 3)

Part 1: Sourdough Bread Recipe: First Feeding (Day 1)Part 2: Sourdough Bread Recipe: More Feeding (Day 2)This is a basic formula for making three loaves of sourdough bread using all-purpose flour. Use this recipe as a starting point for exploring the world of...

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Sourdough Bread Recipe: More Feeding (Day 2)

Sourdough Bread Recipe: More Feeding (Day 2)

Part 1: Sourdough Bread Recipe: First Feeding (Day 1)Part 3: Making Sourdough Bread: Baking Bread (Day 3)On the second day of making sourdough bread you will continue to feed and build up the starter. This recipe will make three loaves but if you want more than...

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Sourdough Bread Recipe: First Feeding (Day 1)

Sourdough Bread Recipe: First Feeding (Day 1)

Part 2: Making Sourdough Bread: More Feedings (Day 2)Part 3: Making Sourdough Bread: Baking Bread (Day 3)Sourdough bread is made by the fermentation of flour by yeast found in nature. The first thing you need to make sourdough bread is an established sourdough starter...

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