Backwoods MamaLent

The Holy Thursday Meal: A Seder for Catholics and Christians

The Holy Thursday Meal: A Seder for Catholics and Christians

For the people of Jewish faith, the Passover Seder meal is a sacred ritual that celebrates the deliverance and freedom of the Israelite people from four hundred years of slavery in Egypt, as told in the book of Exodus. I have never taken part in an authentic Jewish...

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Lent 2015: Fasting. Praying. Almsgiving.

Lent 2015: Fasting. Praying. Almsgiving.

We are a little late with starting our observance of Lent this year. Lent started on February 18th, which was only a day after we returned from our month long trip to Thailand. Being waylaid by the affects of jet lag we are only beginning to rediscover the rhythm of...

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Lent 2014: Fasting. Praying. Almsgiving.

Lent 2014: Fasting. Praying. Almsgiving.

The Lenten season begins on March 5th, Ash Wednesday, and it goes on for forty-six days, ending with Easter. Lent is meant to be a time of fasting, praying and almsgiving to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Easter. As a family we try to mindfully incorporate...

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The First Day of Lent

The First Day of Lent

It's Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, and I am glad that the Lenten season is here. After Christmas I felt a little lost and overwhelmed but I know that Lent will help me refocus and prepare for Easter and the continuing year.I managed to get...

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Lenten Fridays – Black Bean and Corn Quesadillas

Lenten Fridays – Black Bean and Corn Quesadillas

Lentils and beans and barley, these are my three heros for Friday Lenten meals. This Friday beans are taking the spotlight in a simple meal of black bean and corn quesadillas. There are many recipes online for bean and corn quesadillas (check out the recipe at...

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Preparing for Lent: Fasting. Almsgiving. Prayer.

Preparing for Lent: Fasting. Almsgiving. Prayer.

Through the traditional practices of fasting, almsgiving and prayer, which are an expression of our commitment to conversion, Lent teaches us how to live the love of Christ in an ever more radical way.~Pope Benedict XVI 2011 Lenten MessageThe time of Lent is drawing...

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